How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv? / From Sofia to Plovdiv - How?

How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv? / From Sofia to Plovdiv - How?

We are here to help! We have collected detailed information about how to make it between these two cities. You can see three options in this article. Choose the best one for you.

# 1 By Bus

# 2 By train

# 3 WITH Тruerentcar

# 1 By Bus - You can choose this option of taking advantage of bus services. Buses from Sofia to Plovdiv depart every hour from Sofia Central Bus Station (located at: 100, Princess Maria Louisa Blvd., 1202 Central, Sofia, Bulgaria).

The journey takes about 2 hours. The bus stops on Bus Station “South” in Plovdiv.

# 2 By Train - If you do not want to ride on a bus you have the option of a second vehicle - a train. Trains to Plovdiv depart from Sofia Central Station (with address: 102, Maria Louisa Blvd.).

The journey takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes.

# 3 With Тruerentcar – We have left the third option how to reach from Sofia to Plovdiv for the final – just like a delicious dessert. Booking the service is very easy - by email or via phone call. You will be taken from your location in Sofia and left to an address by your choice in Plovdiv.

The journey takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Reviews from customers who have already tried the services of Тruerentcar can be found on their website or on tripadvisor.

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