From Sofia to Plovdiv for the FARM MARKET

From Sofia to Plovdiv for the FARM MARKET

The Association of Farmers and Craftsmen from Plovdiv and the region NATURALNO is an association that seeks to promote organic farming. Their goal is to facilitate access for all of us, those living in big cities, to quality local foods and bio products. It's great that there are places to buy something clean when we can't grow it ourselves, right? For this reason, every Friday NATURALNO organizes a bazaar on Stanislav Dospevski Street in Plovdiv (opposite the entrance of the City Art Gallery on the main pedestrian street).

All participants offer their production and you can find all the quality things of clear origin. Both small and large producers are found on the farmers market. On the stands you will find goods that are organic food, organic cosmetics, organic super foods - all eco-friendly and home-based. Things that are worth it for your own sake, and for the support you give to the manufacturer when buying from them.

On December 20, 2019 from 2.30pm to 6.30pm the Farmer's Market will be held again. The location remains at Stanislav Dospevski Street, Plovdiv

Sounds interesting and you want to attend the event, right? If you do not have your own car, you can book a transfer. We'll explain who to contact in the following lines.

We suggest you trust our company named TrueRentCar. We deal with transportation services - we offer transfers. You can contact us and we will get you quickly, safely and comfortably from anywhere to Plovdiv for the event. In fact, we operate throughout Bulgaria and neighboring countries. We are always the right choice for any trip!

You will surely be glad you chose TrueRentCar. Anyone who has tried our services is satisfied, you can read the reviews on the TripAdvisor page.


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