Rose Valley Rose Festival Kazanlak 2020

Rose Valley Rose Festival Kazanlak 2020

Do you know that the small country of Bulgaria with a territory of only 110,000 square kilometers (42,800 square miles) is the world’s leader in rose oil production?

You might have even heard of the Rose Valley. This is a region in Bulgaria, located only 60km away from the second-largest city Plovdiv and just south of the Balkan Mountains. The valley stretches for approximately 12 km and is around 95 km long and it is the center of the rose oil industry of Bulgaria.

Rosa Damascena that is known to be the source of the highest quality rose oil, has been cultivated and grown in the Rose Valley of Kazanlak for thousands of years. The Valley is said to possess the most suitable conditions for the rose growing and developing.

The vast majority of the locals from Kazanlak have been in the industry for years. The lengthy process, which requires diligence, patience and attention, has become a large portion of the region’s history and tradition. So, it should be no surprise to you, the pride with which the locals talk about the Rose Valley and the Bulgarian Rose Oil.

For more than one hundred years, Kazanlak has been hosting the Rose Festival. Each year, the city welcomes visitors to celebrate the rose blossoming. The roses blooming season lasts around 20-30 days during the end of May and the beginning of June.

In 2020, the Rose Festival is expected to take place between 5-7 June and hosts thousands of people not only from Bulgaria, but also neighboring countries. Every year the program is even more interesting, filled with unique and fascinating events.

If you are planning to visit, you can be sure to experience the unique atmosphere through various workshops, traditional Bulgarian folk dance and song performances, contests and carnival processions.

A slightly unobtrusive aroma of rose fills the air, people are smiling and laughing, a deep voice accompanied by a bagpipe sounds can be caught in the distance, you are surrounded by good mood and high spirits. The Rose Festival is a unique celebration that is difficult to experience anywhere else except in the Rose Valley in Kazanlak.

If you would like to learn more about the Bulgarian traditions and cultures, by immersing yourself into the local’s lives, you should certainly visit the Rose Festival in Kazanlak in 2020.

You might be worried about getting there as you are unfamiliar with the country. We’ve got you covered. Book a private transfer with TrueRentCar and we will pick you up from any airport in Bulgaria at your arrival time. Your professional driver will ensure your safe and comfortable journey, while you enjoy complimentary drinks and free Wi-Fi in our luxurious cars.

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